Python classes

Alexandre Boucaud


The main reference for this course is a talk from Raymond Hettinger.

I can only encourage you to check his very clear and instructive talks.

In [1]:
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo

Prerequisites for the course

To make code compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3

In [2]:
from __future__ import print_function, division

Class definition

Inherit from object or other classes

In [3]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

Has both class and instance variables.

In [4]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.1b'                      # class variable

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape  # instance variables

__init__ isn't a constructor. It's job is to initialize the instance variables.

__init__ takes an existing instance self and populates it with instance variables.

Define its own functions

In [5]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.1'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

Regular methods have self as first argument.

self is a Python convention but any argument name can be used (e.g. this).

Test of the class

In [6]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
Array version 0.1
In [7]:
A = Array((25, 25))
print("An array of shape ({0}x{1}) "
      "has an area of {2} sq.pixels".format(A.size_y, A.size_x, A.area()))
An array of shape (25x25) has an area of 625 sq.pixels


Let's add a new method to the Array class.

In [8]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.2'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

Say we'd like to know the perimeter of the array with a 1 pixel white frame around.

One could try:

In [9]:
A = Array((25, 25))

array_perimeter = A.perimeter()
frame_perimeter = array_perimeter + 8

print("Frame perimeter : {} pixels".format(frame_perimeter))
Frame perimeter : 108 pixels

Or one could just inherit from Array to create a sub class Frame and redefine the method.

In [10]:
class Frame(Array):
    """Frame object inherited from Array"""

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the frame"""
        return Array.perimeter(self) + 8

Change functionality through subclassing.

If the parent gets called in the subclass method then it is called extending.

If the parent does not get called in the subclass method then it is called overriding.

Test of the inherited class

In [11]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
Array version 0.2
In [12]:
A = Array((70, 50))
print("The array of shape ({0}x{1}) "
      "has a perimeter of {2} pixels".format(A.size_y, A.size_x, A.perimeter()))
The array of shape (70x50) has a perimeter of 240 pixels
In [13]:
F = Frame((70, 50))
print("while the frame of shape ({0}x{1}) "
      "has a perimeter of {2} pixels".format(F.size_y, F.size_x, F.perimeter()))
while the frame of shape (70x50) has a perimeter of 248 pixels

Class method

Depending on their needs, different users may want different constructor signatures.

When the API is fixed, a converter function is thus always needed.

Example: create an Array method from a FITS image

In [14]:
import as pyfits

def fits2shape(filename):
    img = pyfits.getdata(filename)
    return img.shape

fitsfile = 'array.fits'
A = Array(fits2shape(fitsfile))

For such alternate constructors, the classmethod is particularly efficient

In [15]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.3b'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    @classmethod                   # classmethod decorator
    def from_fits(cls, filename):  # cls is the first argument in a classmethod
        """Construct an Array from a FITS image"""
        array = pyfits.getdata(filename)
        return Array(array.shape)

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

Test of the classmethod constructor

In [16]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
Array version 0.3b
In [17]:
A = Array.from_fits(fitsfile)

print("The FITS image '{2}' is an array of shape ({0}x{1}).".format(A.size_y, A.size_x, fitsfile))
print("It has a perimeter of {0} pixels "
      "and an area of {1} sq.pix".format(A.perimeter(), A.area()))
The FITS image 'array.fits' is an array of shape (16x12).
It has a perimeter of 56 pixels and an area of 192 sq.pix

This should also work with subclasses

In [18]:
class Frame(Array):
    """Frame object inherited from Array"""

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the frame"""
        return Array.perimeter(self) + 8
In [19]:
print("Frame version", Frame.version)

F = Frame.from_fits(fitsfile)
print("The FITS image '{2}' is an array of shape ({0}x{1}).".format(F.size_y, F.size_x, fitsfile))
print("Its frame has a perimeter of {0} pixels "
      "and an area of {1} sq.pix".format(F.perimeter(), F.area()))
Frame version 0.3b
The FITS image 'array.fits' is an array of shape (16x12).
Its frame has a perimeter of 56 pixels and an area of 192 sq.pix

Something went wrong !

Indeed, when finalizing the alternate constructor, we returned an Array.

In order to achieve inheritance, one must use the cls argument as return value.

In [20]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.3'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def from_fits(cls, filename):
        """Construct an Array from a FITS image"""
        array = pyfits.getdata(filename)
        return cls(array.shape)  # cls is returned to preserve inheritance       

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

Let's try this again

In [21]:
class Frame(Array):
    """Frame object inherited from Array"""

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the frame"""
        return Array.perimeter(self) + 8
In [22]:
print("Frame version", Frame.version)

F = Frame.from_fits(fitsfile)
print("The FITS image '{2}' is an array of shape ({0}x{1}).".format(F.size_y, F.size_x, fitsfile))
print("Its frame has a perimeter of {0} pixels "
      "and an area of {1} sq.pix".format(F.perimeter(), F.area()))
Frame version 0.3
The FITS image 'array.fits' is an array of shape (16x12).
Its frame has a perimeter of 64 pixels and an area of 192 sq.pix

This time it worked !

Static method

A new function needs to be implemented for conversion purposes.

In [23]:
def pix_to_arcsec(pixels):
    """Convert pixels to sky angle in arcseconds"""
    return round(pixels * 0.15, 3)

This function is

  • related to the Array class,
  • obviously related to Array subclasses,


  • does neither use class nor instance variable

One could simply add it as a common class function...

In [24]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.4b'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def from_fits(cls, filename):
        """Construct an Array from a FITS image"""
        array = pyfits.getdata(filename)
        return cls(array.shape)

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

    def pix_to_arcsec(self, pixels):
        """Convert pixels to sky angle in arcseconds"""
        return round(pixels * 0.15, 3)

but since it does not rely on self, it is clearer to use a static method instead.

In [25]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.4'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def from_fits(cls, filename):
        """Construct an Array from a FITS image"""
        array = pyfits.getdata(filename)
        return cls(array.shape)

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

    def pix_to_arcsec(pixels):
        """Convert pixels to sky angle in arcseconds"""
        return round(pixels * 0.15, 3)

The purpose of static method is to attach functions to classes.

It improves the findability of the function and makes sure that people use the function in the appropriate context.

Test of the static method

In [26]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
Array version 0.4
In [27]:
A = Array.from_fits(fitsfile)
sizey, sizex = A.size_y, A.size_x

print("The FITS image '{2}' is an array of shape ({0}x{1}),".format(A.size_y, A.size_x, fitsfile))
print("which corresponds to an angle on the sky of {0} x {1} sq.arcseconds".format(A.pix_to_arcsec(sizex), A.pix_to_arcsec(sizey)))
The FITS image 'array.fits' is an array of shape (16x12),
which corresponds to an angle on the sky of 1.8 x 2.4 sq.arcseconds

String representation

Every instance of a Python object is associated with a string representation.

It carries information on the object or particular instance.

In [28]:
class Test(object):
    """Test class"""
    version = '0.1'

    def __repr__(self):
        return "String representation of Test class"

That string representation is defined by the __repr__ method and triggered with

  • the build-in method repr()
  • the built-in method str()

and printed by

  • the raw terminal output
  • the print() method.
In [29]:
String representation of Test class
In [30]:
String representation of Test class

There is also an optional alternate string representation defined by the __str__ method, which is exclusively triggered by str() and print().

In [31]:
class Test(object):
    """Test class"""
    version = '0.2'

    def __repr__(self):
        return "String representation of Test class"

    def __str__(self):
        return "Alternate string representation of Test class"
In [32]:
Alternate string representation of Test class
In [33]:
String representation of Test class

If __repr__ is defined but __str__ is not, __str__ defaults to __repr__.

It is useful to declare the string representation when you define a new class.

In [34]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.5'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of the class"""
        return "{0} of shape ({1}x{2})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.size_y, self.size_x)

    def from_fits(cls, filename):
        """Construct an Array from a FITS image"""
        array = pyfits.getdata(filename)
        return cls(array.shape)

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

    def pix_to_arcsec(pixels):
        """Convert pixels to sky angle in arcseconds"""
        return round(pixels * 0.15, 3)

Test of the Array string repr

In [35]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
Array version 0.5
In [36]:
A = Array((12, 21))
In [37]:
Array of shape (12x21)
In [38]:
Array of shape (12x21)

What about subclasses ?

In [39]:
class Frame(Array):
    """Frame object inherited from Array"""

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the frame"""
        return Array.perimeter(self) + 8
In [40]:
print("Frame version", Frame.version)

F = Frame((12, 21))

Frame version 0.5
Frame of shape (12x21)
Frame of shape (12x21)


What if instead of storing two variables size_x and size_y you wanted to

1) only store a single variable


2) continue using the size_x and size_y attributes not to break code ?!

The answer is to use a @property decorator, that defines getter and setter methods for a given variable.

In our example, this would look like

In [41]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.6'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.shape = list(shape)

    def size_x(self):
        return self.shape[1]

    def size_x(self, size):
        self.shape[1] = size

    def size_y(self):
        return self.shape[0]

    def size_y(self, size):
        self.shape[0] = size

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        return self.size_x * self.size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

size_x and size_y and now properties and no more variables. They are pointers to entries of the shape list. Thus they do not use memory.

NOTE: The initialization of shape in __init__ is needed in our case for Python to know shape is a list. But for single variables, such initialization is in general not necessary.

An other usage of the property is to access variables that require some computation, without using a function call ().

In such case, the @method.setter is not used.

Test of the properties

In [42]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
Array version 0.6
In [43]:
A = Array((12, 21))
In [44]:
print("Size X = {0}\nSize Y = {1}\nShape = {2}".format(A.size_x, A.size_y, A.shape))
Size X = 21
Size Y = 12
Shape = [12, 21]

Name mangling

The name mangling is a step used for protecting class functions against possible overrides in a subclass.

Such issues might happen if for some reason a given function relies on an other one.

In [45]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.7b'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        p = self.perimeter()
        size_y = int(p / 2) - self.size_x
        return self.size_x * size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

In such case, the inheritance and method overridding will break the function.

In [46]:
class Frame(Array):
    """Frame object inherited from Array"""

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the frame"""
        return Array.perimeter(self) + 8
In [47]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
print("Frame version", Frame.version)
Array version 0.7b
Frame version 0.7b
In [48]:
A = Array((12, 21))
F = Frame((12, 21))

print("Array area: {0} sq.pix\n"
      "Frame area: {1} sq.pix".format(A.area(), F.area()))
Array area: 252 sq.pix
Frame area: 336 sq.pix

Since there are no private methods in Python, a way to solve this is to attach a given method to the class.

This is precisely what mangling does.

In [49]:
class Array(object):
    """Array toolkit"""

    version = '0.7'

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.size_y, self.size_x = shape

    def area(self):
        """Pixel area of the array"""
        p = self.__perimeter()
        size_y = int(p / 2) - self.size_x
        return self.size_x * size_y

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the array"""
        return 2 * (self.size_x + self.size_y)

    __perimeter = perimeter

When interpreting the code, Python replaces __method by _Class__method in the class dictionary.

In [50]:
methods = [method
           for method in Array.__dict__.keys()
           if not method.endswith('__')]
print("Array method dictionary : {}".format(methods))
Array method dictionary : ['perimeter', 'version', '_Array__perimeter', 'area']

This way, even if the subclass uses the same trick, it will create a _Subclass__method and will thus not override the parent method.

In [51]:
class Frame(Array):
    """Frame object inherited from Array"""

    def perimeter(self):
        """Circumference of the frame"""
        return Array.perimeter(self) + 8
In [52]:
print("Array version", Array.version)
print("Frame version", Frame.version)
Array version 0.7
Frame version 0.7
In [53]:
A = Array((12, 21))
F = Frame((12, 21))

print("Array area: {0} sq.pix\n"
      "Frame area: {1} sq.pix".format(A.area(), F.area()))
Array area: 252 sq.pix
Frame area: 252 sq.pix

Summary: New style Python Classes

  1. Inherit from object
  2. Instance variables for information unique to an instance. Class variables for data shared among all instances.
  3. Regular methods need self to operate on instance data
  4. Class methods implement alternative constructors. They need cls so they can create subclass instances as well.
  5. Static methods attach functions that do not need self or cls to classes. Static methods improve discoverability and require context to be specified.
  6. String representation is defined in the __repr__ method and optionally in the __str__ method.
  7. A property() lets getter and setter methods be invoked automatically by attribute access. This allows Python classes to freely expose their instance variables.
  8. Name mangling (or double underscore) makes self refer to this class and not its children. It allows the subclass to override any method without breaking the others.